How to
Meet people in real life • Contact them here • Have sex with them
How private is the date?
It's simple, everything is encrypted, and all messages are handled off site.
For example, when an appointment is reserved, we send an encrypted email
with the information of the person who booked the appointment, but only note in our database that the appointment was booked, not by whom.
All visitor logs are empty, and we keep no history of any changes or edits. All we keep in our database is an encrypted copy of the data of our user.
Even the images are stored encrypted, in the database.
We will never sell your data... because we don't even have your data
All we have is giberrish encrypted data that is meaningless to us.
How can you decrypt the data then?
When the URL of a user is visited, a hash is calculated and then, looked up in the database.
The link of the user is hashed different to become the password needed to decrypt the data,
but since the data is index with the first highly secure hash, it's impossible to match them.
We also generate random data every day to pollute the database with fake pages so that any reverse engineering task will be nearly impossible
In short, we are a smart business card company which allows our users to keep a dynamic online version of their business card.
But to be honest, we don't care about the data
All we want, is the money our users are paying us. We don't need to sell their data.
In fact, the only people still working on the site are those shipping the business cards. The others have moved on to different projects.